Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Day 10, April 29, 2014

Today was pretty uneventful.  Frieder set the record with only 2.5 miles logged from the hotel before he got a flat tire.  Once again, the Pa. boys were last to start out, and further delayed by the flat.  I logged my 2nd flat of the trip later in the ride.  The wind was sometimes our friend and sometimes our enemy, but nothing dangerous.  The scenery was beautiful and wide open, you could see for country miles.  There isn't much civilization between Las Vegas and Tucumcari, NM so the traffic was minimal; a nice change of pace from riding on the interstate.  We logged 110 miles and averaged 18 mph.  One of the other riders of the group, Gerry felt ill, but logged 30 miles before succumbing to the van for the duration.  We think there is an intestinal bug that only affects Jerre/Gerry.  Simon got back to the hotel last night and we saw him at breakfast all "cleaned-up", no real damage, a few stitches and a face and hands that look like he got his ass kicked in an MMA title fight.  He'll be back on the bike in a few days.
Tomorrow's ride is one of the shorter mileage days at 98 miles to Dalhart, TX.  Our route will take us on a north easterly track.  Unfortunately, the winds are forecast out of the north (supposedly a rare occurrence), so we'll have a tough headwind all day, making for a long, long day.  But on the bright side, we'll be able to notch another state and time zone down after we cross into Texas at about the halfway point.


  1. The Most Interesting Man in The WorldApril 30, 2014 at 3:17 PM

    My organ donation card also lists my beard.

  2. Dalhart, center of the dust bowl ,depression in 30's. There is a State prision and a weekly newspaper ; guess things don't happen often to require a daily update.Try the Hilman cheese.
